
God: Coming Face to Face With His Majesty is unavailable, but you can change that!

You can set your heart ablaze with no loftier, more worthy ambition than the pursuit of an increasingly intimate knowledge of the God who created you. In God: Coming Face to Face with His Majesty, John MacArthur chisels away centuries of cultural residue from our understanding of who God is. As he chips away misconceptions, you will witness the glory and majesty of the divine attributes through...

“It is essential that our ideas of God correspond as nearly as possible to what He really is like. Instead we often put God in a box—and our box is incredibly small! We tend to let our culture instead of our Creator determine what we value. Those values influence our thoughts about God and shape the way we relate to Him in our daily experience” (Gregg Cantelmo, “Criminal Concepts of God,” Masterpiece [September/October 1989], p. 5). The only way to know what God is like is to discover what He has
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